12 month disharmonic gregorian calendar vs 13 moon harmonic calendar

July 26 and the 13 Moons

The beginning date, July 26, corresponds to the heliacal rising of Sirius, making the 13 Moon 28-day cycle a solar/galactic calendar. The 13 Moon calendar is a perfect harmonious 13-month (moon) cycle of 28 days each. Its harmony is visible when we view it next to the Gregorian calendar.  In the Gregorian calendar there is very little cyclic or periodic order. Months are uneven, the length of the month does not correlate with the seven-day week, and the days of the week and their numbers change every month.

Graphic Comparing Harmonic 13 Moon Calendar and Irregular 12-month Gregorian Calendar

With the 13 Moon calendar, everything is very even, orderly and harmonic so you can’t get lost in time. The Haab and Tun Uc calendars of the Mayans and the calendar of Thoth in ancient Egypt also began on the day July 26th. The Haab is eighteen 20-day vinal cycles, plus the 5-day uayeb. The Tun Uc is literally the count of seven – this is the 13 Moon 28-day cycle. The calendar of Thoth was also a 13 moon, 28-day cycle.  These are all solar measures. The original Druid calendar was a 13 Moon 28-day cycle and the Andean (Incan) Pachacuti, in use for 5,000 years, is also 13 Moons of 28 days.  Other cultures that use a 13 Moon 28-day calendar include Polynesians, Native Americans, Chinese and Essenes.

All calendar systems can be synchronized into the 13:20 matrix.

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cymatics shows the relationship between frequency and form

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Living Tzolkin 2016 Day out of Time-White Planetary Mirror


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Sunday July 25th ~



Living Tzolkin Presents ~

A Special “Day Out of Time” Ceremony

~~~Igniting The Rainbow Bridge!~~~

…Come unite with your Companions of Destiny as we atune with people gathering all over the world celebrating our Divine Birthright…UNITY and ENLIGHTMENT as we close one cycle and begin another!

Vision Dancer will lead us in the powerful 20 Mayan glyph Mudra Meditation and an invocation Meditation to ignite the Rainbow Bridge!

Please wear white, and bring a flower to offer to the alter!

Arrive by 4:30 to have your Galactic Signature Decoded or decode it now on this website:

Ceremony Starts at 5pm ~ SEE YOU THERE!

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Is coming up this weekend ~ Saturday and Sunday ~ July 17th and 18th! Saturday  starts at the Temple of Peace  in Haiku at 8:30am ~ Please be on Time ~For a Conscious Convergence ~ CELEBRATION ~

To get a clear understanding of this collective CALL to intend Unity NOW, you might enjoy to watch this Interview with Carl Johan Calleman:

Then ON SUNDAY July 18th ~ I will be hosting along with Shelley Sage Heart a

Mandala Medicine Wheel Ceremony

A Living Collective Art Prayer ~ to anchor the NEW EARTH ~
Sunday Morning ~ July 18th, 2010
11:11am ~ Baldwin Beach ~ Maui Hawaii

Hosted by http://www.LivingTzolkin.ning.com/

and Visionary Artistry for Planetary Healing Project ~ http://visionaryartistry.blogspot.com/

This is an all day Collective ~ Mandala Medicine Wheel ~ Co-Creation Event!

Everyone is invited to come and participate in creating beauty, as a living prayer for our conscious evolution in the unified field!

Together we will anchor the planetary “Global Medicine Wheel”, with our LOVE and Clear Intent!

We welcome you to join us and to add offerings and your prayers and blessings through out the day…..Please bring something from nature to add to the creation it could be any of these things:

~flowers ~ crystals ~ rocks ~ shells ~ sand ~ dirt~ pine cones ~ nuts ~ seeds ~ beans~ pods ~ flowers ~ leaves ~ greens ~ sticks ~ corn meal… and your love and prayers!

Come spend the day with us, bring your bathing suit, drums, potluck, drinking water!

and if you can’t make it in person ~ you’ll still be there ~ spiral your prayers to use and we will weave them into the wheel!

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Aloha! Inner guidance or whatever you want to call it is telling me that we need to be presenced in the structure of the Tzolkin on Day Out Of Time this year!!
Where there is a conscious, coherent container for planetary ceremony that everyone in the ceremony is present in their signature standing at some point in or on as the case may be, a giant Tzolkin in harmonic order… This will create a harmonically unified resonant field of coherent energy aligned in the divine blueprint 1320 making it conscious on 4 Star in Serpent Wavespell, using our life force/body wisdom to ignite the form of beauty, art and elegance so that by the astrological Grand T-square on July 26th we are in 1320 resonance, harmonically attuned…
This will create a “solar panel” of biological human consciousness that will –
set a wave pattern of unity and harmony  in motion and
Will allow us to become instruments of spirit, more cognitively available (no personality and ego organizing us)
It will benefit the greater planetary whole by stabilizing the unified field on the planetary surface, and the star beings will be able to interface with us differently…
The Tzolkin Harmonic Field is here to attune us to the Divine Blueprint so that we’re in resonance for this alignment… They say it’s like a Caterpillar Ball where all the caterpillars crawl in, reorganize themselves and become a butterfly/Avatar!!! We restabilize with our higher self,  ready to ride the wave of the planetary T square on july 26, red overtone moon, when all the other planets in our solar system are saying “go for it, break the old structures” inlakech…holy wow!
So Let’s Create these Living Tzolkin Ceremonies on The Day Out of Time, as human biological rainbow Solar panels all over the planetary surface together as companions of destiny!… reclaiming our birthright of enlightenment, activating the rainbow bridge and calling the star elders to return!!!
My inner voice keeps assuring me that this is innocent play and everyone already knows their part… just paint a big Tzolkin and decode the family at it’s simplest level… My experience in sharing this is that everyone seems to know it’s true and is ready to play their part… We all know that something different has to happen and the tzolkin IS the MATRIX that unifies and harmonizes all the planetary kin!
If you haven’t watched “Little Grandmother” 2010 Talk, I recommend you do ASAP! It’s so clear and inspiring about the changes THIS SUMMER, Now! pass it on!!

2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther (1 of 2) from Bob Keeton on Vimeo.

Vision Dancer

Yellow Rhythmic Star
Received on 12 human,

dragon wavespell long count
8 sun, skywalker wavespell dreamspell






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HELLO companions of Destiny

HELLO companions of destiny…this day out of time is of planetary importance…we are called… please stay tuned to http://www.livingtzolkin.com our website and our online Community Networking Site both of which we have set up to help facilitate our planetary conversation……….

I am now requesting help to activate planetary kin asap for harmonic resonance ceremonies on July 25th, 2010 ~ Day Out of Time

So we can be ready for grand t square… red overtone moon…please feel free to contact me:

Vision Dancer at: livingtzolkin@gmail.com

or Vasumi in southern hemispher:


or completely empower yourself to be in direct unfoldment of your divine coding and activate as you are guided…this is the moment we’ve been waiting for and we are the ONE

…if we are well positioned we can create the living tzolkin pattern as planetary kin, living solar panels of unified harmonic consciousness…we have lived many life times for this ceremony…start activating the larger than life living tzolkin art project to prepare and sound the call by spreading the word to your companions of destiny…please let me know how this pulses you so we can be in cooperative conscious unfoldment!!!

“rainbows are to the noosphere what toxins are to the technosphere” …Jose Arguelles

..we must remember to focus on “the birth of the planetary being NOW’ not the death of the old dying culture which has been our placentia for a long time…we can and will do this….birth is cataclysmic and bloody the placentia dies for sure and NOTHING IS WRONG…WE CAN DO THIS….

Vision Dancer
yellow rhythmic star in night was
currently red resonant skywalker in hand was
blue lunar hand in worldbridger was IT IS ACCOMPLISHED
yellow selfexisting seed year in dragon ws
moon of cooperation day 16

yellow selfexisting seed

I define in order to target
measuring awareness I
I seal the input of flowering
with the self existing tone of form
I am guided by the power of universal fire

yellow selfexisting star kin 108

I define in order to beautify
measuring art
I seal the store of elegance
with the selfexisting tone of form
I am guided by the power of flowering

red overtone moon


I empower in order to purify
commanding flow
I seal the process of universal water
with the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of navigation

Vision Dancer yellow rhythmic star

I organize in orderr to beautify
balancing art
I seal the store of elegance
with the rhythnic tone of equality
I am guided by my own power doubled

Vision Dancer year 53 Red Resonant Skywalker Kin 33

I channel in order to explore
inspiring wakefulness
I seal the output of space
with the resonant tone of attunement
I am guided by the power of life force

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Living Tzolkin Blog

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